Favourite Things

Trust Your Feelings

Good Morning on this rainy day! And thank you for stopping by!

Today I would like to share a favourite thing with you because it is A Favourite Thing Saturday at Claudia’s Mockingbird Hill Cottage.

After last weeks post I’ve been thinking about childhood memories. Here is one. When we were children my mother often drove with all five of us into the mountains, the Alpstein, where we would go hiking. The Alpstein is rather steep and rocky but has lovely mountain pastures and little lakes. One day, I was about 13 or 14 years old, we packed our rucksacks once more, hopped into the car, very small and fully packed, and off we went.  I had the strongest feeling that I would get an Appenzeller Bärli Biber that day although I had no idea why or how.

I don’t remember where we went exactely. Seealpsee? Ebenalp? Alp Sigel? Plattenbödeli? Anyway, on your way home my mother suddenly decided to stop at her host family where she had spent each summer as a child and learnd all the important things about the real life.

The county (it’s called Kanton in Switzerland) Appenzell is lovely and very countryside. It’s hilly with lots of meadows and forests higher up and of course the rocky mountains with the mountain pastures. There are some villages too, but many farmhouses, with their specific look and shape as you can see in the paintings, sprinkled into the landscape.

We stopped at a house in Schwendi, Appenzell and were welcomed with coffee and a Bärli Biber.

Yesterday I felt like eating one. Appenzeller Bärli Biber have been the same for hundreds of years as they go back to the 16th century.

So what do we learn from this little strory? Trust your feelings.

I wish you a lovely weekend.

11 Antworten auf „Trust Your Feelings

  1. That is such a lovely story, Regula. It’s so nice to look back on a memory from our childhood, and to be able to recreate it again makes it more special. How lucky you are to be able to still get that wonderful treat! And the package is just so beautiful…. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you! I just read your post about Sandy. So glad to hear that you are well. I have a friend in New York, who was lucky too.

      We are concerened what happens in the States …

      I like All Saints and All Souls more than Halloween. I’d rather think of the people gone than of ghosts and scary monsters. What ever.

      Have a nice weekend! Regula (

  2. Hi Regula,

    Your childhood memories of your family’s outings to the mountains certainly keeps this old fashioned biscuit sweet, and forever ’new‘ in your heart! The pretty packaging doesn’t hurt either!

    Thanks for stopping by my place today and the kind comments.

    Hope you have a wonderful week.


  3. Awe! 🙂
    I’m afraid I have trusted my feelings right into the next dress sze! YIKES! 🙂

    I love the packaging. I hope you have a wonderful weekend too! 🙂


  4. I had to google that. It’s a ginger cookie I found out. I do love the packaging too. So vibrant and looks like what we would call Folkart. i always enjoy learning something new. Thanks for sharing.

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